Sallie (Penny) W. Chisholm
Professor of Environmental Studies; Professor of Biology Home Phone: (617) 253-1771 Personal Email: [email protected] Interest Areas: biological oceanography, microbial ecology Website WebsiteMicrobial oceanography: the role of marine phytoplankton in the ocean’s “metabolism”; the cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus as a model to study marine ecology from the genome level to the whole ocean.
Glenn Flierl
Professor of Oceanography Home Phone: (617) 253-4692 Personal Email: [email protected] Interest Areas: physical oceanography, eddies Website WebsiteOceanic eddies and their impacts upon the distribution of tracers and on the biology of the sea.
Mick Follows
Associate Professor Home Phone: (617) 253-5939 Personal Email: [email protected] Interest Areas: biogeochemistry, ocean circulation Website WebsiteModels of interactions of ocean circulation, biogeochemical cycles and marine ecosystems.
Martin Polz
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Home Phone: (617) 253-7128 Personal Email: [email protected] Interest Areas: environmental microbiology, microbial ecology Website WebsiteExploration of structure-function relationships in microbial communities using quantitative molecular approaches, genomics, physiology, and modeling.
Roman Stocker
Associate Professor Home Phone: (617) 253-3726 Personal Email: [email protected] Interest Areas: physical ecology, environmental microfluidics Website WebsitePhysical ecology of microorganisms; microscale transport phenomena; microfluidic experiments to understand how physical forces and chemical signals shape the behavior of marine microorganisms.
Janelle R. Thompson
Assistant Professor in Ocean Utilization Home Phone: (617) 324.5268 Personal Email: [email protected] Interest Areas: microbial ecology, microbial oceanography Website WebsiteMicrobial oceanography: study of the relationship between the structure of microbial communities and their function using molecular biology, genomics, and genetics.